

Thomas Sullivan

关于这种诱人的木质藤本/灌木,有一些有趣的小故事。 1768 年,法国探险家路易-安托万-德-布干维尔(Louis Antoine de Bougainville)的探险队在南美洲停靠时,以他的环球航行命名了这种植物。 从那时起,这些绚丽(但多刺!)的开花植物就成为无霜气候条件下的观赏宠儿(目前有 300 多个品种)。我甚至还在康涅狄格州费尔菲尔德的一家苗圃里看到过这种植物出售--在那里绝对是一种温室植物!它们不仅被用作藤本植物,还被用作地被植物、容器、凉棚、围栏和墙壁以及树篱(这让我很困惑,因为如果修剪得太厉害,它们的颜色就会变淡)。

与一品红一样,苞片(植物的叶状部分)而非花朵(花朵是苞片中央一朵不起眼的白色或黄色小花)才是它们绚丽色调的来源。 你可以选择红色、紫色、黄色、橙色、粉色或白色的花朵。 大多数品种的苞片是单瓣的,但也有一些是双瓣的。 还有几个品种我们的最爱之一 "火炬之光 "与众不同--苞片全部长在茎的末端,开花时就像提基火炬一样闪闪发光。

目前,装饰 Joy-Us 总部的九重葛花开得正盛。 以下是我的一些养护九重葛花的小窍门(我作为苗圃人员和专业园艺师的心得):

把九重葛从苗圃带回家后,在种植前不要把它从花盆里拿出来。 九重葛不喜欢根部受到干扰(但谁会喜欢呢? 相反,要在塑料花盆的侧面和底部开一个大口子,这样根部就可以逃出来生长。




请记住,它们不是依附性藤蔓,因此需要支撑和附着。 我们的一株藤蔓之所以能横跨我们一栋楼的宽阔门廊生长,就是因为有一个放置得当的金属棚架。 你可以使用钩子、绑带等任何东西。 只要不断帮助它们,它们就会出其不意地疯长!

花朵可能很娇嫩(实际上是苞片,而不是花朵,才是颜色的来源),但刺却很凶猛,所以修剪时要小心(戴手套)。 我看起来就像刚从狮子笼子里走出来,和我们的剪刀手爱德华(Edward Scissorhands)玩了一回--最好不要穿比基尼!


我对这种植物有点爱恨交加,但这也是我对它感兴趣的原因。 当苞片枯萎时,它们就会掉落下来 集体 如果不及时修剪,这些树叶就会覆盖整个区域。










See_also: Stephanotis 葡萄护理


关于如何修剪 Joy-Us 九重葛的视频


* 园艺小窍门 * 手工制作和 DIY 创意 * 促销商品

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See_also: 13 个经典陶盆,让您爱不释手

Thomas Sullivan

Jeremy Cruz is an avid gardener and plant enthusiast, with a particular passion for indoor plants and succulents. Born and raised in a small town, Jeremy developed an early love for nature and spent his childhood nurturing his own backyard garden. As he grew older, he honed his skills and knowledge through extensive research and hands-on experience.Jeremy's fascination with indoor plants and succulents sparked during his college years when he transformed his dorm room into a vibrant green oasis. He soon realized the positive impact these green beauties had on his well-being and productivity. Determined to share his newfound love and expertise, Jeremy started his blog, where he dispenses valuable tips and tricks to help others cultivate and care for their own indoor plants and succulents.With an engaging writing style and a knack for simplifying complex botanical concepts, Jeremy empowers newbies and experienced plant owners alike to create stunning indoor gardens. From choosing the right plant varieties for different light conditions to troubleshooting common problems like pests and watering issues, his blog provides comprehensive and trustworthy guidance.In addition to his blogging endeavors, Jeremy is a certified horticulturist and holds a degree in Botany. His in-depth understanding of plant physiology enables him to explain the scientific principles behind plant carein a relatable and accessible manner. Jeremy's genuine dedication to maintaining healthy, thriving greenery shines through in his teachings.When he's not busy tending to his extensive plant collection, Jeremy can be found exploring botanical gardens, conducting workshops, and collaborating with nurseries and garden centers to promote sustainable and eco-friendly practices. His ultimate goal is to inspire people to embrace the joys of indoor gardening, fostering a deep connection with nature and enhancing the beauty of their living spaces.