

Thomas Sullivan

我们挑选了五个最受欢迎的大型植物篮,适合各种装饰风格,从传统、沿海到农舍和波西米亚风格。 所有篮子都是用天然材料手工制作而成。

大型植物篮既实用又时尚,为植物的绿叶增添了美丽的点缀。 虽然我们喜欢陶土或陶瓷花盆,但植物篮的质感确实能提升房间的美感。 此外,它们还非常轻便!




    这是内尔的龙血树丽莎,放在 4 号篮子里,亚马逊的香蕉叶大型植物篮。


    这款华丽的篮子有方便的把手和厚实的质地,可以让您有风格地展示您的植物。 它在菲律宾由天然风信子手工制成,每件都编织紧密,以增加稳定性。

    点击这里查看内尔的超大号蛇形植物篮。 它制作精良,80 美元的价格对于一个大篮子来说简直是天价!

    想要了解更多我们喜爱的产品吗? 以下是我们最喜欢的产品:多肉植物盆栽、修枝剪、室内浇水罐、园艺工具、花园碗、蜂鸟喂食器、花园手套、秋季花环、室内植物架、圣诞花环

    Bianca 流苏花边海草手提篮

    这个海草篮子有多迷人? 16 英寸 x 16 英寸的篮子可以装下一盆大型植物。 它由天然海草在印度尼西亚手工编织而成,并使用马卡连线进行了额外的装饰。


    这些开花的多肉植物非常漂亮,请查看我们的 Kalanchoe Care & Calandiva Care 指南。

    Studio McGee 皮革手柄篮

    Studio McGee 的这款皮革手柄篮为您的家居装饰增添了一道亮丽的风景线。 采用天然藤材料编织而成,深棕色皮革手柄便于携带。


    您正在寻找可以放在花篮里的植物吗? 请查看以下 7 种初学者容易打理的地栽植物和 13 家可以网购植物的商店。


    Nell 非常喜欢这个大花篮,花篮里盆栽的是她的龙血树丽莎,深绿色的叶子与花篮的金色相得益彰。


    See_also: 什么原因导致圣诞仙人掌(感恩节、节日)的叶子变成橙色?

    您是否正在寻找展示家庭盆栽的容器和方法? 我们为您提供!经典陶盆、台式花盆、花盆和花架、悬挂花盆、大型植物花篮、空气植物展示架和多层植物架

    See_also: 繁殖 ZZ 植物:茎插条在水中生根


    印尼手工编织的香蕉叶将这款大型植物篮打造成条纹状。 有 3 种尺寸可供选择,您一定能找到一款适合搭配您珍爱的植物的篮子。

    我们希望您已经找到了自己喜欢的大型植物篮,如果您还在寻找,以下是您的最佳选择 25 个装饰性植物篮 可供选择。



    以下是我们为您提供的家庭盆栽指南:13 家可以在线购买家庭盆栽的商店、6 种适合旅行者的低维护植物、11 种适合宠物的家庭盆栽、购买家庭盆栽的小窍门、最佳低光照室内盆栽、易于打理的办公室盆栽、7 种易于打理的落地盆栽、7 种易于打理的桌面和悬挂盆栽

    Thomas Sullivan

    Jeremy Cruz is an avid gardener and plant enthusiast, with a particular passion for indoor plants and succulents. Born and raised in a small town, Jeremy developed an early love for nature and spent his childhood nurturing his own backyard garden. As he grew older, he honed his skills and knowledge through extensive research and hands-on experience.Jeremy's fascination with indoor plants and succulents sparked during his college years when he transformed his dorm room into a vibrant green oasis. He soon realized the positive impact these green beauties had on his well-being and productivity. Determined to share his newfound love and expertise, Jeremy started his blog, where he dispenses valuable tips and tricks to help others cultivate and care for their own indoor plants and succulents.With an engaging writing style and a knack for simplifying complex botanical concepts, Jeremy empowers newbies and experienced plant owners alike to create stunning indoor gardens. From choosing the right plant varieties for different light conditions to troubleshooting common problems like pests and watering issues, his blog provides comprehensive and trustworthy guidance.In addition to his blogging endeavors, Jeremy is a certified horticulturist and holds a degree in Botany. His in-depth understanding of plant physiology enables him to explain the scientific principles behind plant carein a relatable and accessible manner. Jeremy's genuine dedication to maintaining healthy, thriving greenery shines through in his teachings.When he's not busy tending to his extensive plant collection, Jeremy can be found exploring botanical gardens, conducting workshops, and collaborating with nurseries and garden centers to promote sustainable and eco-friendly practices. His ultimate goal is to inspire people to embrace the joys of indoor gardening, fostering a deep connection with nature and enhancing the beauty of their living spaces.