

Thomas Sullivan

我非常喜欢兰花!好吧,应该说是 "花期"。 所以,我住在兰花之乡是件非常好的事情,因为我周围都是兰花。 我在室外种了大花蕙兰,在室内种了蝴蝶兰。 哎呀,我甚至每周都能在农贸市场看到两次兰花。

三月份,我去参加了美丽的圣巴巴拉国际兰花展,在市场上看到了一些我不得不买的东西,用来展示我的气生植物。 我在这个项目中使用的小木篮子是用来展示兰花的,所以当我在当地一家种植者的温室里看到微型兰花的展示时,我非常激动。 如果您在圣巴巴拉地区,一定要一定要去 Westerlay Orchids 参观--那是一种视觉享受!




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  • 11 种适合宠物的室内盆栽

而且,你只需要 4 种配料:

1) 4 英寸方形木质兰花篮

See_also: 如何保持多肉花环的鲜活和美观

2) 1 盆微型蝴蝶兰

3) 鱼线

4) 西班牙苔藓

See_also: 有机花卉园艺:须知事项

如果您想要更狂野的外观,可以将篮子涂成深黄色或茶色,并用淡绿色的苔藓代替天然的西班牙苔藓。 再加上一些闪闪发光的珠宝,您就可以拥有完全不同的外观了。 我选择了更自然的路线来完成这个项目--没有金银珠宝。 可能性有很多!

说到西班牙苔藓,你知道它其实并不是苔藓吗? 没错,它是一种生长在高湿度地区大树上的小蘖,又名气生植物。 它被采摘下来,清洗干净后就会上市。 有些是新鲜的,有些是晒干的。 西班牙苔藓垂到地面上,在 "野外 "生长的时候非常壮观。

我把这个项目拆开了,现在兰花就放在餐厅边桌上的一个花瓶里。 挂在门外灯下的是一个木篮子,里面有 3 盆空气植物。

这株达令兰是我在 5 月底买的,现在已经是 8 月中旬了,但它依然长势良好。

除了园艺,我还花了很多时间做手工。 我的一些项目时间很长,所以我可以做一些简单快捷的项目。 顺便说一下,如果你有孩子,这是个很好的兰花手工活动,可以和他们一起做。 这个微型蝴蝶兰项目从头到尾只用了 15 分钟,不需要热胶或电线 - 干得好!



15 种令人惊叹的向日葵






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Thomas Sullivan

Jeremy Cruz is an avid gardener and plant enthusiast, with a particular passion for indoor plants and succulents. Born and raised in a small town, Jeremy developed an early love for nature and spent his childhood nurturing his own backyard garden. As he grew older, he honed his skills and knowledge through extensive research and hands-on experience.Jeremy's fascination with indoor plants and succulents sparked during his college years when he transformed his dorm room into a vibrant green oasis. He soon realized the positive impact these green beauties had on his well-being and productivity. Determined to share his newfound love and expertise, Jeremy started his blog, where he dispenses valuable tips and tricks to help others cultivate and care for their own indoor plants and succulents.With an engaging writing style and a knack for simplifying complex botanical concepts, Jeremy empowers newbies and experienced plant owners alike to create stunning indoor gardens. From choosing the right plant varieties for different light conditions to troubleshooting common problems like pests and watering issues, his blog provides comprehensive and trustworthy guidance.In addition to his blogging endeavors, Jeremy is a certified horticulturist and holds a degree in Botany. His in-depth understanding of plant physiology enables him to explain the scientific principles behind plant carein a relatable and accessible manner. Jeremy's genuine dedication to maintaining healthy, thriving greenery shines through in his teachings.When he's not busy tending to his extensive plant collection, Jeremy can be found exploring botanical gardens, conducting workshops, and collaborating with nurseries and garden centers to promote sustainable and eco-friendly practices. His ultimate goal is to inspire people to embrace the joys of indoor gardening, fostering a deep connection with nature and enhancing the beauty of their living spaces.