分株繁殖 ZZ 植物:一株生三株

 分株繁殖 ZZ 植物:一株生三株

Thomas Sullivan

我喜欢 ZZ 植物,因为它们像钉子一样坚韧,维护起来非常容易,而且长得非常漂亮。 那光亮的叶子让我心动。 我的 ZZ 植物去年从加利福尼亚搬到亚利桑那州,开始占据厨房的位置。 可以说,它尽情享受着沙漠的炎热--疯狂地生长!将它分株似乎是一个合理的解决方案,也是一种方法繁殖 ZZ 植物。

See_also: 铅笔仙人掌修剪:修剪我的大型酢浆草 Tirucalli

冬末春初,我的 ZZ 植物开始大面积长出新的叶子。 新长出的叶子是春天的绿色,与老的深绿色叶子不同,所以这株植物正在上演一场美丽的表演。 我决定把它分成三株,一株放在厨房,另一株放在卧室,第三株放在露西那里。


See_also: 什么原因导致圣诞仙人掌(感恩节、节日)的叶子变成橙色?
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3 株 ZZ 植物分株后就放在我的工作台上。

分株繁殖 ZZ 植物:

我先把植物吊到工作台上,它非常重,因为所有的生长都来自地下根茎(植物老化时看起来像马铃薯),这给这么大的植物增加了不少重量。 这是我以前从未做过的项目,我真的不确定会如何进行。 我事先没有多想,就直接跳了进去。

这是我漂亮的 ZZ 植物分株前的样子,您可以在这里看到它在 11 个月里长高了多少。

首先,我用修枝锯在根球周围锯了一圈,把它从花盆中松开。 我把植物侧过来,用力按住花盆,使根球更加松动。 在我的哄骗下,根球被拉了出来,我又把植物竖起来,仔细观察情况。

这株 ZZ 非常茂密,很难找到一条清晰的分界线,如果你明白我的意思的话。 我选了一个最佳切入点(可以分出 1/3 到 2/3),然后开始锯开。 要穿过肉质根和肿胀的根茎有点困难。 95 度的高温让我们更加辛苦,但我和这株植物都挺了过来。

这就是我最终分割 ZZ 植物的方法,最小的那块和最大的那株一起被装入盆中。

我使用了 3/4 盆栽土和 1/4 多肉植物和仙人掌混合土的种植混合物。 在种植过程中,我还撒了几把堆肥,并在顶部铺了一层 1 英寸厚的蚯蚓堆肥。 这一切都确保了混合物能很好地排水(那些粗大的肉质根茎会储存水分,因此这种植物容易腐烂),同时又能获得充足的自然营养。

这两株 ZZ 植物被剪掉的地方都是平的,但会很快长出来。 它们是很好的家庭盆栽!

在上面的视频中,您可以看到我种植这些 ZZ 植物的所有步骤。 完成后,我把这三株植物带到花园里,给它们浇了透水。 希望几年内我不必移植大的那株,但谁知道呢。 在温暖的气温和充足的光照下,它们肯定长得像野草一样茂盛!



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Thomas Sullivan

Jeremy Cruz is an avid gardener and plant enthusiast, with a particular passion for indoor plants and succulents. Born and raised in a small town, Jeremy developed an early love for nature and spent his childhood nurturing his own backyard garden. As he grew older, he honed his skills and knowledge through extensive research and hands-on experience.Jeremy's fascination with indoor plants and succulents sparked during his college years when he transformed his dorm room into a vibrant green oasis. He soon realized the positive impact these green beauties had on his well-being and productivity. Determined to share his newfound love and expertise, Jeremy started his blog, where he dispenses valuable tips and tricks to help others cultivate and care for their own indoor plants and succulents.With an engaging writing style and a knack for simplifying complex botanical concepts, Jeremy empowers newbies and experienced plant owners alike to create stunning indoor gardens. From choosing the right plant varieties for different light conditions to troubleshooting common problems like pests and watering issues, his blog provides comprehensive and trustworthy guidance.In addition to his blogging endeavors, Jeremy is a certified horticulturist and holds a degree in Botany. His in-depth understanding of plant physiology enables him to explain the scientific principles behind plant carein a relatable and accessible manner. Jeremy's genuine dedication to maintaining healthy, thriving greenery shines through in his teachings.When he's not busy tending to his extensive plant collection, Jeremy can be found exploring botanical gardens, conducting workshops, and collaborating with nurseries and garden centers to promote sustainable and eco-friendly practices. His ultimate goal is to inspire people to embrace the joys of indoor gardening, fostering a deep connection with nature and enhancing the beauty of their living spaces.