

Thomas Sullivan

春天来了,复活节即将来临。 每年的这个时候,人们都会想起彼得兔,这只深受人们喜爱的兔子是由比阿特丽克斯-波特创作的。 她是一位插图画家,也是一位作家,她的故事展现了英国的乡村风情,让她笔下的人物栩栩如生。 彼得兔的故事》于 1902 年首次出版,至今从未绝版。 我曾连续 11 年为她工作。我很幸运能得到这些专业拍摄的照片(这意味着不是我自己拍摄的),与大家分享。 1998 年,比阿特丽克斯-波特(Beatrix Potter)的花展首次亮相,我们就来到了彼得兔和朋友们的鲜花世界!

首先,我向大家简要介绍一下如此大规模的演出是如何产生的。 马歇尔菲尔德的工作人员选择了主题,处理了有关道具的所有细节,并对整个项目进行了精心策划。 有时,还需要处理许可证事宜,并遵循严格的指导方针。 在比阿特丽克斯-波特的任何作品中,这一点都是非常正确的。 彼得是有史以来第一个软体玩具你不能简单地找一个当地的艺术家来制作所有的人物,即使是谁在哪里制作也是有规定的。 展示的所有人物都是手工雕刻和手绘的,这是一项相当大的投资。 SF Productions 位于加利福尼亚州,由史蒂夫-波德斯塔(Steve Podesta)领导,负责有关植物和花卉的一切事宜--规格、采购、八辆半卡车装满了从几家苗圃买来的植物,离开金州,大约四天后抵达芝加哥。 我们在四天里通宵达旦地安装,直到凌晨--至少有六十人参与了整个过程。 我负责橱窗展示,正如我以前说过的:"在马歇尔菲尔德的橱窗里工作到凌晨五点。会让人很快失去创造力"。

See_also: 卡兰朵拉养护及种植技巧

植物和花卉都放在装卸区,里面有一个装有加热器的大帐篷,可以抵御寒冷。 在大多数年份里,我一直负责维护和更新所有的橱窗陈列--那些橱窗可真大。 当你离开商店进入装卸区时,总会有一股不受欢迎的冷空气。 如果气温是35度,芝加哥的工作人员就会大喊 "热浪"。而我们这些加利福尼亚沿海的胆小鬼却在抱怨 "太冷了"!总之,我很高兴地说,每年植物和人们都能在整个生产过程中存活下来。

有些人可能知道 Marshall Fields 现在是梅西百货公司了,这让很多芝加哥人很不屑。 在接下来的几个月里,我们会陆续刊登更多关于这些春季花展的文章。 其中一些主题包括:好奇的乔治、花仙子和持续 3 年的莫奈花园。 回想这些照片,让我觉得橱窗和商店总是那么美丽。这让我更加感激他们......我知道这样一场演出要花费多少心血(11 个月)。

我想引用碧翠丝-波特(Beatrix Potter)的一句话:"我认为,个性鲜明的人可以影响后代几代人。"她是一位言出必行的女性(同时也是一位保护主义者),因为她将自己的农场和财产山顶留给了国民托管组织,供所有人享用。


芝加哥爱丽丝梦游仙境 Steven J. Podesta Peter Rabbit

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See_also: 为什么我的大天堂鸟叶片边缘变成了褐色?

Thomas Sullivan

Jeremy Cruz is an avid gardener and plant enthusiast, with a particular passion for indoor plants and succulents. Born and raised in a small town, Jeremy developed an early love for nature and spent his childhood nurturing his own backyard garden. As he grew older, he honed his skills and knowledge through extensive research and hands-on experience.Jeremy's fascination with indoor plants and succulents sparked during his college years when he transformed his dorm room into a vibrant green oasis. He soon realized the positive impact these green beauties had on his well-being and productivity. Determined to share his newfound love and expertise, Jeremy started his blog, where he dispenses valuable tips and tricks to help others cultivate and care for their own indoor plants and succulents.With an engaging writing style and a knack for simplifying complex botanical concepts, Jeremy empowers newbies and experienced plant owners alike to create stunning indoor gardens. From choosing the right plant varieties for different light conditions to troubleshooting common problems like pests and watering issues, his blog provides comprehensive and trustworthy guidance.In addition to his blogging endeavors, Jeremy is a certified horticulturist and holds a degree in Botany. His in-depth understanding of plant physiology enables him to explain the scientific principles behind plant carein a relatable and accessible manner. Jeremy's genuine dedication to maintaining healthy, thriving greenery shines through in his teachings.When he's not busy tending to his extensive plant collection, Jeremy can be found exploring botanical gardens, conducting workshops, and collaborating with nurseries and garden centers to promote sustainable and eco-friendly practices. His ultimate goal is to inspire people to embrace the joys of indoor gardening, fostering a deep connection with nature and enhancing the beauty of their living spaces.